Things not going right!!!

Things don’t go right!!!

There are times when things don’t go right!

There are times when nothing works!

There are times when nothing is happening in my life!

There are times when life sucks!

There are times when I feel that I am no good, others are better than me!

There are times when I feel that nobody loves me!

There are times when I feel real low!

There are times when I feel sad!

There are times when I feel lonely!
              … and……. I can go on and on.....

I am sure many of us have experienced at least 3-5 feelings from above.  

Here are some pointers that help me to get out of such feelings...

1. Everyone goes through this phase 

  • Think of one person who has not felt atleast one feeling from the above…And the answer comes in negative. 
  • What this means is that each and every human being must go through such emotions. 
  • It’s how each one handles their situation puts them apart from others.
  • This is like a test God puts us through. 
  • Each person gets similar exam paper with maybe different sets of questions. 
  • Its how we attempt the paper makes us stand out in the competition which God is giving us.

2. Things could be Worse

  • When things don't go right, we often question ourselves. Why its only me? Why do all these things happen to me only? These are some questions to which I dont get any answer.
  • Such times I try to see the positive side. I say to myself that, atleast I have 2 hands, 2 eyes. I am able to walk, goto work, see my kids. Because things could be worse. I try to place myself in a worse situation than this.
  • Suddenly things start appearing from a bigger and different perspective.
  • Still, the pain doesn’t reduce yet, because at such times I may become self-centric. I may start thinking that my situation is the worse. No other person is maybe feeling as bad as me. 
  • Such times, I sit and open a notepad on my mobile. First I write down the situation that I am facing. I may cry when I write that down. Its actually good to lent out our emotions. 
  • After that every 5 mins I write further on the same note, what bad can happen after this. I write one bad thing, after another 5 mins, another bad thing, and so on…
  • It still doesn’t make me feel better. But I keep writing after every 5 mins the worse things that could happen with me. 
  • After sometime, I get bored writing all this, just shut it down and start picking up my day as a normal day. 
  • Sometimes I feel cheerful once I have written down all bad things.

      I find a quote in this article very inspirational. 

3. Distract Yourself by talking with others

  • If I am feeling low, I need to distract myself. I try to think which friend/relative I can call up.     
  • I generally come up with a name. Just put a call to her/him. 
  • We talk general nonchalant things. Sometimes calls with my friends can go for ½ hour or more. 
  • By that time I am laughing over something I discussed with my friend and temporarily forget that life sucks.

4. Eat! Its ok to eat to feel better 

  • What can I eat which will make me feel better? 
  • Generally I end up eating chocolate or ice-cream or Cake. Then I start feeling top of the world.
  • Or sometimes I put on my favourite movie, curl up in front of it for 2-3 hours. After that I am set back to normal.

5. Consider this as test by God

  • The most important thing is that whenever life sucks for me, I should remember that this is a test paper put up by God. 
  • Its upto me how best I pass this test and move ahead in my class. My class is my age. So, if my age is 20 years, then I have to pass the test which God has put up for me in this year and be eligible to goto next class of 21 years with flying colours. 
  • This way every year keep passing the test to move ahead in the next class. 
  • In the game of life, skipping class or staying in same class is not allowed. We have to move ahead.
  • There is no choice here. We have a limited time. We are given only 365 days in each class. 
  • Only thing in our hands is how best we pass the test put up in front of us. 
  • How we learn from our previous year’s test and try to do better in the next year.

Friends, this is a different kind of philosophy which has helped me little bit. Do let me know if this works for you. Also share any other philosophies you may be using to pass your test in life!!!


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