Boards Exam and a frustrated mom!!!

Boards Exam and a frustrated mom
          Here is the 10th Board exam of my daughter and I am a working mom who needs to 
relax, when at home!

          Normally I just turn on the TV or loud music to entertain myself. But what do I do when it’s my daughter's 10th standard and she is going through her board exams?

          Actually, in person, I am opposite to the title I gave myself in this article. In life, I always try to make sure that I don't end up being a frustrated person. And I dig out various tools to handle my such gonna-be-frustrating situations!

          So here I oil my brains and question, what can I do for leisure or relax myself if I can't watch television, can’t listen to music or can't go out. Bang!! Various options start clicking in my head. Off course I can always read a book. I love reading and so I arm myself with loads of books which I can carry on reading until the board exam ends.

           Reading has many advantages. Main advantage is its quiet. You don't disturb your child, so she can continue studying and you can sit next to her and read. She feels your presence but doesn't feel your frustration. Reading gives you various insights depends on what kind of book you are reading. I will continue more on reading in my next post!

       Another thing I can do is write. Hence, I took upon writing this blog post. Again, as I mentioned writing is noise free, I can sit next to my child and continue typing on my keyboard. Or I can even write a diary or write my thoughts in a notebook.

         There must be many other ways in which I can amuse myself. Please feel free to suggest any other ideas which come to your mind?


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